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Application Developers

Last Updated: 27, July 2020 at 09:35:49

Application developers are looking to build usable solutions to real world problems. This could be as executables for computers, web applications in the browser or even unikernels with MirageOS. They share many traits with library authors like the need for testing, code hygiene, releasing to opam etc.

Related Workflows


  1. Finding Answers to your Questions - Find answers, whether you are just starting out, have complicated theoretical questions or want to know more about building OCaml projects
  2. Configuring OCaml Tools for your Editor - Add syntax highlighting and code completion to your editor


  1. Keeping your Code Clean - Indent and apply formatting styles to your project
  2. Checking Code Coverage - Use the Bisect tool to discover how much of your code is being tested


  1. Writing Scientific Computing Applications - Use the OWL library to build scientific computing applications in OCaml
  2. Meta-programming with PPX - Automate code-generation with meta-programming
  3. Compiling for Y on X - Compile code to run on different computer architectures
  4. Running OCaml in your Browser - Use js_of_ocaml to run OCaml code in the browser and interoperate with Javascript libraries from OCaml


  1. Adding Unit Tests to your Project - Write tests to check the functionality of your code using Alcotest
  2. Setting up Continuous Integration - Add CI to your project using Github Actions
  3. Fuzz Testing your Project - Make fuzz tests to find uncover hard to find bugs in your code


  1. Documenting your Project - Write maintainable and useful documentation for your library
  2. Publishing a Package on Opam - Share your libraries or applications with the community


  1. Fixing Bugs in 3rd Party Packages - Track down and fix bugs in libraries that you use
  2. Incorporating non-OCaml Code into your Project - Add C code to your OCaml project
  3. Profiling your Project - Profile the memory and performance of your application

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