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Last Updated: 27, July 2020 at 09:35:49

A beginner doesn't want to get caught up in tooling. A beginner wants to write OCaml code, learn the syntax and explore the module system, types and pattern-matching. Take for example JavaScript or Python. For JS there are tools like CodePen or the console on modern browsers to start interacting with the language.

Related Workflows


  1. Finding Answers to your Questions - Find answers, whether you are just starting out, have complicated theoretical questions or want to know more about building OCaml projects
  2. Getting Started - Write and run OCaml code quickly
  3. Navigating OCaml Projects - Learn how to navigate and read OCaml projects to help you use and understand other projects
  4. Teaching OCaml - Teach OCaml using Jupyter notebooks or online resources
  5. Configuring OCaml Tools for your Editor - Add syntax highlighting and code completion to your editor
  6. Starting a new Project - Build the scaffolding for your solution to a problem
  7. Debugging and Exploring OCaml Projects - Learn how to effectively debug your OCaml projects and explore packages

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