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Last Updated: 31, July 2020 at 09:38:41

Meta-data: License: MITRepositoryLifecycle: incubate


Bun is a CLI tool for integrating fuzzer-based testing into a continuous integration pipeline. Some of the main problems it solves are:

  1. Fuzz tests need time to properly work and most CI tools can kill long running processes.
  2. AFL-fuzz is designed to only use one CPU, bun makes the transition to multiple CPUs easiers.
  3. Bun offers a user and CI friendly summary of what is currently happening with the different processes.

Key Concepts

Bun is all about fuzz testing, so make sure you're up to speed with it.

As a very brief synopsis, fuzz testing is about instrumenting your code to allow a fuzzer to analyse input and output from functions to cleverly detect edge cases that are more likely to break your code. This is especially useful when implementing complex functions that could take many different inputs like parsers or implementations of protocols.

In the Wild

Cstruct is a library for mapping OCaml values to C-like structs. It uses fuzz-based testing along with the Drone CI tool. The fuzz directory contains the relevant code.

Related Workflows


  1. Setting up Continuous Integration - Add CI to your project using Github Actions
  2. Fuzz Testing your Project - Make fuzz tests to find uncover hard to find bugs in your code

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